Turns or pirouettes used in Kathak are called chakkars. Chakkars can be differentiated based on the number of steps.
The most basic chakkar is the 5 step turn, since it is the easiest to keep your balance with synchronised hands and neck movements.
The most basic chakkar is the 5 step turn, since it is the easiest to keep your balance with synchronised hands and neck movements.

Chakkars or the pirouettes assumes the importance of an allegory parallel to the circumambulation or parikrama conducted around a Temple to indicate the conclusion of ritual. They serve to captivate the audience. From the functionality of being a means of projecting submission, the Chakkar or pirouette has evolved as a prime tool for creating a spectacle.
To assist you with making the most out of your chakkars, follow along with our model lesson modules for all the different types of turns used in kathak.